Medical & Professional Licensing Board Matters
Licensing board complaints may be filed by patients, their family members, other healthcare providers, employees, or anyone who interacts with a physician or other healthcare professional. Increasing awareness of this fact, aided by consumer groups and state laws which require posting patient bills of rights in waiting rooms, has led to more medical and other licensing board complaints being filed and sanctions imposed. Disciplinary action can include: a reprimand, restrictions on a physician’s or other professional’s practice, continuing medical education or monitoring requirements, probation, license suspension or revocation. Moreover, the adverse consequences of a board complaint do not necessarily end there.
Physicians generally are required by contract to report disciplinary actions to their professional liability carriers, managed care plans and patients’ health insurance plans. Federal law also requires that discipline be reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank, which hospitals must check before granting or renewing medical staff privileges. Thus, a cascade of negative effects may flow from a single board complaint. Depending on the alleged offense and the board’s conclusion, a physician’s reputation and livelihood may be destroyed. So the importance of properly responding to a licensing board complaint cannot be overstated.
If you are contacted by an investigator or receive a letter from the Georgia Composite Medical Board (“GCMB,” “Georgia Medical Board,” “Medical Board” or “Board”) about a complaint, you may be uncertain about what to do next, what the procedures are, and what the results may be. You also may be unsure whether you need to retain a lawyer. At the Law Office of Kevin O’Mahony, we represent physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners (“licensees”) in responding to the Georgia Medical Board and defending against allegations of misconduct. (Note: On May 24, 2021, the American Academy of Physician Assistants announced it will be adopting “physician associate” as the official title for the “PA” profession. However, implementing the new title is expected to take several years and PAs should not refer to themselves as “physician associates” until legislative and regulatory changes are made to incorporate the new title, the organization said.) We also represent other healthcare professionals regulated by other licensing boards in similar matters. (See below.)
Georgia Medical Board
The Georgia Medical Board was established by the General Assembly to regulate the practice of medicine. The statutory authority that establishes the Board, the “Medical Practice Act,” and the “Patient Right to Know Act,” are contained in the Official Code of Georgia Annotated in Title 43, Chapters 34 and 34A (O.C.G.A. §§43-34 and 34A). The GCMB’s official Administrative Rules are published separately from the law and further clarify regulation of the professions licensed by the Medical Board. The Medical Board’s Rules are available online on its website.
The Georgia Medical Board is comprised of 16 volunteer members who are appointed by the Governor and an ex-officio volunteer member appointed by the Board. Of those members, 13 are actively practicing physicians, two are non-physician consumer advocates, and one is an ex-officio physician assistant member who does not vote on matters related to physicians. The Board is assisted in its work by an executive director and a team of dedicated staff members and investigators.
The Medical Board licenses and is responsible for regulating over 54,000 professionals licensed in Georgia. These groups include physicians, physician assistants, resident physicians, respiratory care professionals, perfusionists, orthotists, prosthetists, acupuncturists, cosmetic laser practitioners, auricular (ear) detoxification specialists, genetic counselors and pain management clinics. The Board also reviews protocols that incorporate prescriptive authority for advanced practice nurses and influenza vaccines.
As stated in its mission statement, the Medical Board’s goal is “to protect the health of Georgians through the proper licensing of physicians and certain members of the healing arts and through the objective enforcement of the Medical Practice Act.” In pursuit of that goal, the Board investigates complaints and disciplines those who violate the Medical Practice Act or other laws governing the professional behavior of its licensees.
A recent analysis of complaints filed with the Georgia Medical Board revealed that approximately half of them were brought by patients or patients’ family members. Other sources of complaints were malpractice carriers (reporting payments of settlements or damage awards), hospitals (reporting adverse actions taken with regard to medical staff privileges), pharmacies (reporting improper prescriptions or prescribing practices), other practitioners and other regulatory agencies. The Medical Board receives approximately 2,000 complaints per year, and according to the Board’s annual reports, the number of complaints increased by more than 80% between 2001 and 2011. This resulted in a 23% increase in the number of public disciplinary actions taken by the Board over that same 10-year period.
One reason for this increase is added scrutiny by media and healthcare consumer watchdog groups. One organization actually “grades” and ranks state medical boards based on the number of disciplinary actions they take each year. The annual grade and ranking is then widely publicized. And in some states, the medical board’s chief executive’s job can be jeopardized by a low score or ranking in disciplining physicians. Lower ranking boards may also become the subject of heightened public criticism, as well as closer legislative scrutiny.
Newspaper articles about notorious cases and widespread internet technology, providing instant, easy access to healthcare provider’s licensing information, has also fueled an increase in complaints, investigations and disciplinary actions. The GCMB’s website, for example, allows anyone to “look up [any] licensed provider” in Georgia, and immediately access his or her “Physician Profile,” including education and training credentials, any “Public Board Orders,” malpractice settlements, judgments and awards. The website also has a specific link, which enables consumers to easily file complaints online. These factors have combined not only to increase the number of complaints filed, but also to intensify pressure on the Board to thoroughly investigate and impose more severe disciplinary sanctions in more cases.
Moreover, Georgia law now provides that physicians are required to post a patient “bill of rights” in their waiting rooms and specifically states that: (a) the patient or any person that the Board deems to have a legitimate interest has the right to file a grievance with the Board concerning a physician, staff, office or treatment received; and (b) the declaration of the patient’s rights shall be prominently displayed in conspicuous language in the physician’s waiting room. This declaration may be contained in the same notice as the right to obtain physician profiles. The declaration of rights must contain the following statement: “The patient has the right to file a grievance with the Georgia Composite Medical Board concerning the physician, staff, office and treatment received. The patient should either call the board with such a complaint or send a written complaint to the board. The patient should be able to provide the physician or practice name, the address, and the specific nature of the complaint.” Such notice must include the current phone number and address of the Board. Information regarding the exact language to be used in the declaration, as well as the size and style of the wording, is contained in the Board’s Newsletter and Annual Report. It therefore is unsurprising that more complaints have been filed with the Medical Board in recent years.
Complaints that are filed with the Board may involve the following issues or allegations, among others:
- Documentation or medical record keeping violations
- Failure to timely complete continuing medical education (“CME”)
- Substandard practice/ standard of care violations
- Unprofessional Conduct
- Discipline by peers / adverse actions taken by hospitals or medical staffs
- Discipline by another state licensing board
- Inappropriate prescribing or administration of a medication (including controlled substances) or treatment
- Impairment or inability to practice due to alcohol or chemical abuse, or a physical or mental condition
- Disruptive behavior issues
- Boundary issues (sexual misconduct or inappropriate sexual contact)
- Violation of an existing Board Disciplinary Order
- Criminal conduct (arrests or convictions)
- Medicare or Medicaid fraud
- Private health insurance fraud
- Probation violations
Investigations and disciplinary actions with regard to these issues are often complicated and fact-intensive, and some of the issues may overlap. For instance, according to the Medical Practice Act, “unprofessional conduct” includes “any departure from or failure to conform to the minimal standards of acceptable and prevailing medical practice and shall also include, but not be limited to the prescribing or use of drugs, treatment or diagnostic procedures which are detrimental to the patient as determined by the minimal standards of acceptable medical care.”
According to the Board, “examples of unprofessional conduct include, but are not limited to, physical abuse of a patient, inadequate record keeping, not recognizing or acting upon common symptoms, prescribing drugs in excessive amounts or without legitimate reason, personal impairment (mental or physical) that hinders safely practicing within the scope of one’s license or certificate, performing duties beyond the scope of one’s license or certificate and dishonesty.” The investigations and discipline rules of the Georgia Medical Board (Rules 360-3-.02 and 360-3-.04) also provide additional examples of unprofessional conduct for which a licensee may be disciplined.
While a large number of complaints are found to be without merit, many are deemed legitimate and warrant thorough investigation. With few exceptions (discussed on its website), the Board has a duty to investigate practically all complaints it receives. And some investigations involve multiple steps, require large amounts of time and effort, and are quite complex. Procedural stages in the development of a GCMB investigation and disciplinary case may include some or all of the following steps:
- Receipt of call or letter from Medical Board investigator requesting interview
- Possible interview(s) by Board investigator(s) – may occur with or without licensee’s counsel present, depending upon whether counsel’s presence is insisted upon by licensee
- Receipt of initial Complaint letter requesting written narrative response by physician and Subpoena demanding production of medical records
- Preparation and submission of written narrative response by physician and production of records to the Board
- Board’s review of materials received from complainant and physician and investigation
- Receipt of Decision Letter from Board, closing case if Board decides no violation at this stage (with or without a warning or some other recommended steps short of mandatory remedial or disciplinary action)
- Formal/additional investigation phase (if prior steps do not result in case being closed)
- Medical Board interview of physician/meeting at Board’s office
- Informal Settlement Conference(s)
- Consent Order negotiations and possible agreed-upon Consent Order (public or private, with or without possibility of non-disciplinary consent agreement)
- Orders – often with imposition of sanctions for violations (including reprimand, restrictions on the physician’s license to practice, continuing medical education or monitoring requirements, probation, license suspension, revocation, etc.)
- Contested Case Hearing Process – Office of State Administrative Hearings (“OSAH”), hearing before Administrative Law Judge (“ALJ”)
- Possible Mediation of contested cases
- ALJ Decision following hearing
- Motions for Rehearing and Appeals
Mistakes physicians commonly make in responding to Medical Board inquiries or investigations include:
- Failing to promptly consult with legal counsel and fully disclose all important facts.
- Taking the complaint lightly or going into denial-mode.
- Ignoring or missing the response deadline.
- Failing to notify your malpractice insurer or risk manager.
- Contacting the complaining party and trying to “talk them out of it.”
- Responding angrily or emotionally.
- Needlessly admitting fault.
- Responding as if speaking to physicians fully-versed in your specialty.
- Failing to respond to every charge in the complaint.
- Hiding, altering or destroying records.
(See 10 Mistakes Physicians Make After a Licensing Board Complaint article by Kevin O’Mahony, and action steps recommended therein.)
As previously mentioned, all public disciplinary actions taken by the Board are required to be entered on the physician’s profile on the Board’s website. The Public Board Order itself can be viewed online by anyone who wishes. Public disciplinary actions are also reported to the Federation of State Medical Boards (“FSMB”). The FSMB is a national clearinghouse whose membership is comprised of all state medical boards nationwide. The FSMB issues periodic reports to all state medical boards, informing of any public actions taken against a physician by another state medical board. Thus, if a physician who is licensed in Georgia, Florida and North Carolina has a disciplinary action taken against him or her by the GCMB, the action will be reported to the FSMB. The FSMB will then report that action to the Florida and North Carolina medical boards, which then may initiate their own investigations leading to disciplinary actions in those states as well.
Additional collateral effects of a Medical Board action may include loss of hospital privileges, loss of participation in preferred provider organizations, loss of enrollment with third-party payers, loss of board certifications, loss of DEA registration, and exclusion from participation in Medicare, Medicaid and other government programs. Depending on the allegations and the Board’s decision, a physician’s reputation and livelihood may be destroyed. So the importance of promptly and properly responding to a Medical Board complaint cannot be overstated.
If you receive a letter or phone call from a Medical Board investigator, it is crucial that you do not procrastinate or ignore the notice. But it is almost never advisable for a licensee to meet with or be questioned by a Board investigator without legal counsel present. It is therefore strongly recommended that you seek the advice and assistance of an experienced healthcare attorney immediately.
Seemingly minor or simple cases can become complex and major cases quickly. You therefore need an attorney who is familiar with the entire process, including interviews, hearings, proposed settlements by consent order and appeals. We have many years’ experience representing physicians and other healthcare providers in medical and healthcare professional licensing board matters. We can help you take the appropriate steps to protect your license and ability to practice. Please call or email us if you wish to schedule a consultation.
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Act
In April 2019, the Georgia General Assembly passed and Governor Kemp signed into law Senate Bill 16. This new law (effective July 1, 2019, and codified at § 43-34-300, et seq.) authorizes Georgia to enter into an interstate compact known as the “Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Act,” which complements existing licensure and regulatory authority of state medical boards, and provides a streamlined process for physicians to become licensed in multiple states.
The new law allows the Georgia Medical Board to administer the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact in Georgia. Among other things, the new law also: requires fingerprint records checks; provides for application of an expedited license; provides for a coordinated information system; provides for joint investigations and discipline; provides for a commission to administer the Compact among the member states; provides for dispute resolution; and repeals conflicting laws.
Georgia was the 31st member jurisdiction to join the Compact. As of this writing, the Compact now includes 32 states, the District of Columbia, and the Territory of Guam as member jurisdictions. Similar legislation has been introduced in other states as well.
One snag arose in Georgia, however. At its November 2019 monthly meeting, the GCMB received news that the state was unable to fully implement the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact because the Board did not have the requisite authority to require licensees to undergo a fingerprint-based background check. A legislative change was necessary to correct this issue. Until that happened, Georgia was able to license physicians who come from other Compact states, but Georgia was unable to serve as the state of origin for a licensee under the Compact.
At its December 2019 meeting, the GCMB approved for initial adoption Rule 360-40, implementing the Interstate Medical Compact under Senate Bill 16. Written comments on the proposed rule had to be submitted by January 6, 2020. The proposed rule was then adopted by the Board and sent to the Governor for review in FY 2020. However, the FBI still needed to formally approve the Board’s plan to begin requiring fingerprint background checks to fully implement the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact.
At the GCMB’s September 2, 2021 meeting, it was announced that the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact will finally be fully implemented in Georgia on Sept. 15, 2021. This means that Georgia-based physicians licensed in multiple states can use Georgia as their State of Principal License beginning on that date.
Similarly, on August 28, 2024, Modern Healthcare (DeSilva) reported, “Efforts to make it easier for physician assistants to practice in multiple states are gaining traction, boosting opportunities to recruit and retain both medical professionals and patients.” The upcoming PA Licensure Compact will give “physician assistants the opportunity to expand their work geographically without having to receive additional state licenses,” mirroring emergency protocols enacted during COVID-19. More than a dozen states have signed up for the compact thus far, with a commissioner from each state scheduled “to meet in September to begin working on the structure.” Experts predict the “biggest hurdle will be creating the data system to include all applicant and state information on one platform.” Overall, the compact aims “to boost recruiting efforts while expanding access to care by making it easier for physician assistants to practice in multiple states, including through telehealth.”
During the 2019 legislative session, the Georgia Legislature passed and the Governor signed two bills designed to make healthcare more accessible via a computer, smartphone or tablet and more affordable to patients throughout the state. One of those bills requires parity in payment for providers offering medical care via digital or telehealth transmission. The other allows physicians to practice telemedicine across state lines so that more doctors and specialists would be available — something especially needed in rural areas, where Georgia has a doctor shortage.
Specifically, SB 118 revised Georgia’s Telemedicine (now “Telehealth”) Act (O.C.G.A. § 33-24-56.4), relating to payment for telemedicine services. The new law now requires payment parity for telehealth services, requiring health plans to pay providers for telehealth services at the same or equivalent reimbursement rate for identical in-person services. SB 115 revised the Medical Practice Act (specifically subsection (a) of O.C.G.A. §43-34-31), relating to the practice of medicine from foreign jurisdictions by electronic means, allowing out-of-state physicians to apply to be licensed telehealth providers in Georgia.
By embracing technological innovation, both of these provisions are intended to make healthcare more accessible and affordable to patients throughout Georgia. However, many physicians and the Medical Board worry that an inability to conduct an in-person physical examination or access all of the patient’s records could lead to inaccurate diagnosis, inappropriate treatment or patient harm. So doctors still must be cautious about when telemedicine is appropriate and in the patient’s best interest.
Previously, in 2014, the GCMB enacted a regulation governing the standards for practicing telemedicine in Georgia. The regulation, titled Practice Through Electronic or Other Such Means, was intended to establish minimum standards of practice for providing treatment or consultation recommendations through the use of telemedicine. See Georgia Comp. Rules and Regs. rule 360-3-.07.
Rule 360-3-.07 not only offers guidance, it also imposes certain restrictions on telemedicine or telehealth in Georgia. Key provisions of the rule include the following:
- Georgia License Required. All treatments and consultations via telemedicine must be done by Georgia-licensed providers, which include not only physicians, but also physician assistants (“PAs”) and advanced practice registered nurses (“APRNs”).
- In-Person Examination. Prior to a telemedicine encounter, a telemedicine provider must have personally conducted an in-person examination of the patient unless one of three exceptions apply: (1) the telemedicine provider is able to examine the patient using technology and peripherals that are equal or superior to an in-person examination done by a provider within that provider’s standard of care.; or (2) the telemedicine provider is providing care (conducting the telemedicine encounter) at the request of a physician, PA or APRN licensed in Georgia who has personally seen and examined the patient; or (3) the telemedicine provider is providing care (conducting the telemedicine encounter) at the request of a Public Health Nurse, a Public School Nurse, the Department of Family and Children’s Services, law enforcement, community mental health center or through an established child advocacy center for the protection or a minor, and the provider is able to examine the patient using technology and peripherals that are equal or superior to an examination done personally by a provider within that provider’s standard of care.
- Records. The telemedicine provider must have the patient’s medical history available at the time of the consult. The provider must maintain patient records of the encounter and must document the evaluation and treatment. If there is a referring practitioner, the telemedicine provider must send a copy of this record to the referring practitioner.
- Operational. The patient must receive the telemedicine provider’s credentials and emergency contact information. The patient must also receive clear instructions on follow-up in the event the patient needs emergency care related to the telemedicine treatment.
- Annual In-Person Follow-Up Exam. The telemedicine provider must make “diligent efforts” to have the patient seen and examined in-person by a Georgia-licensed physician, PA or APRN at least once a year.
- Standard of Care. The regulations defer to the existing standard of care expectations, and do not alter existing requirements on the practice of medicine or medical malpractice.
Given these requirements, steps that need to be taken or considered before providing telemedicine services in Georgia include the following:
Meet the Licensing Requirements. Physicians providing services via telemedicine to patients located in Georgia must be licensed in Georgia. Licensing exemptions are available, such as the peer-to-peer consultation exception. And out-of-state physicians may now apply to be licensed telehealth providers in Georgia. But Georgia’s licensing requirements must be met.
Establish a Valid Provider-Patient Relationship. A valid physician-patient relationship may be established via telemedicine if, prior to the telemedicine encounter, the provider meets one of the following conditions:
- The provider has personally seen and examined the patient (in-person) and provides ongoing or intermittent care by electronic or other such means; or
- The provider is providing medical care by electronic or other such means at the request of a physician, physician assistant or advanced practice registered nurse licensed in Georgia who has personally seen and examined the patient;
- The provider is providing medical care by electronic or other such means at the request of a Public Health Nurse, a Public School Nurse, the Department of Family and Children’s Services, law enforcement, community mental health center or through an established child advocacy center for the protection of a minor, and the physician, physician assistant or advanced practice registered nurse is able to examine the patient using technology and peripherals that are equal or superior to an examination done personally by a provider within that provider’s standard of care; or
- The provider is able to examine the patient using technology and peripherals that are equal or superior to an examination done personally by a provider within that provider’s standard of care. (Georgia telemedicine regulations do not specify a required telemedicine modality and do not explicitly require the use of real-time audio-video technology for all telemedicine services.)
Conduct Annual In-Person Follow-Up Exam. The telemedicine provider must make diligent efforts to have the patient seen and examined in-person by a Georgia-licensed physician, PA or APRN at least once a year.
Meet Standard of Care Obligations. The telemedicine rules in Georgia explicitly require that a physician using telemedicine will be held to the same standard of care as a physician that is using traditional in-person methods.
Comply With Telemedicine Prescribing Requirements. In Georgia, it is considered unprofessional conduct if a physician prescribes controlled substances or dangerous drugs for a patient based solely on a consultation via telemedicine with the patient, patient’s guardian, or patient’s agent. The state also bans prescribing controlled substances via telemedicine for the treatment of pain or chronic pain. Telemedicine prescribers must also be aware of prescribing requirements under federal laws. For example, telemedicine prescribing of controlled substances is also governed by the Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008.
Supervise Non-Physician Healthcare Providers. Georgia physicians may rely upon or delegate the provision of telemedicine services to a non-physician healthcare provider (NP or PA) if the physician documents to the Board that that the provision of care by telemedicine is in his or her scope of practice, the NP or PA has demonstrated competence in the provision of care by telemedicine, and all other applicable laws and rules are met.
Maintain Patient Records. In Georgia, the telemedicine provider must have the patient’s medical history available at the time of the consult. The provider must maintain patient records of the encounter and must document the evaluation and treatment. If there is a referring practitioner, the telemedicine provider must send a copy of this record to the referring practitioner.
Provide Patients with Information. The patient must receive the telemedicine provider’s credentials and emergency contact information. The patient must also receive clear instructions on follow-up in the event the patient needs emergency care related to the telemedicine treatment.
Check Insurance Coverage of Telehealth Services. Georgia is among the majority of states to have enacted a telehealth commercial insurance coverage law. Under the law, every health benefit policy that is issued, amended, or renewed must include payment for services that are covered under such health benefit policy and are appropriately provided through telemedicine in accordance with O.C.G.A. §43-34-31 and generally accepted healthcare practices and standards prevailing in the applicable professional community at the time the services were provided. The coverage required may be subject to all terms and conditions of the applicable health benefit plan.
Review Latest Medicare Telehealth Reimbursement Rules. Georgia providers should also consider the latest Medicare telehealth reimbursement opportunities signed into law under federal funding legislation. Continued expansion in coverage and reimbursement, including remote patient monitoring, means providers can increase telehealth offerings to improve patient access to care, quality of care, patient satisfaction, cost savings and revenue generation.
At its October and November 2019 meetings, the GCMB discussed possible changes to its regulations regarding the practice of medicine via electronic means. Two rules changes would deal with prescriptive authority and the requirement for a prior in-person exam before utilizing virtual services. The Board has received numerous inquiries and comments from healthcare providers regarding the need to update the regulations. And the passage of SB 115 and SB 118 requires the Board to update its rules. But the Board was reluctant to do so too quickly because of patient safety concerns. The Board therefore planned to discuss the regulations in-depth with various stakeholders at another upcoming meeting.
At its December 2019 meeting, the GCMB’s Rules Committee approved for initial adoption Rule 360-2.17, creating a telemedicine license under SB 118. The Rules Committee heard a presentation on the limitations of the current telemedicine rules from the president of WellStar Medical Group and the associate medical director of hospital and acute care at Southeastern Permanente Medical Group. The general counsel to the lieutenant governor, the associate chief medical officer at Emory Healthcare, and the dean of Mercer University School of Medicine also participated in the discussion. Afterward, the Board agreed to explore opportunities to clarify and update its rules regarding the use of telemedicine without a prior in-person visit and the prescribing of certain controlled substances. Written comments on the proposed rule had to be submitted on or before January 6, 2020.
Medicaid Requirements for Telemedicine to Beneficiaries. On January 1, 2020, the Georgia Department of Community Health (“DCH”) issued Georgia Telemedicine Guidance, which can be accessed at (see pp. 4-10 and 53).
As of 2020, the Georgia Telemedicine Guidance required the following for telehealth services rendered to Medicaid beneficiaries:
- The practitioner must be licensed in Georgia.
- GT modifier and POS 02 need to be used for billing and coding of the professional services.
- The telehealth services must be provided through interactive two-way video/audio communication methods.
- Written consent must be obtained (a form is contained in the Georgia Medicaid guidance).
- If the patient is a minor, the parent/guardian must be present and sign the consent form.
- The telehealth visit must be documented to substantiate the services and noted that it was rendered via telehealth, identify the location of the originating site (e.g., patient home) and distant site.
- Telehealth services provided via webcam or internet-based technologies like Skype that are not part of a secured network and do not meet HIPAA encryption compliance will not be covered. (This guidance currently differs from a recent federal policy change. So we are waiting to see whether DCH will consider waiving any of these requirements.)
As of early 2020, DCH had not changed this Guidance in light of the coronavirus pandemic. But see updates below.
COVID-19 Emergency Practice, Telehealth & Teleprescribing Measures
GCMB Board Emergency Practice Permits for Telemedicine. On March 5, 2020, the Georgia Medical Board announced that it would issue emergency practice permits to previously unlicensed physicians, physician assistants, advance practice registered nurses, and respiratory care professionals who wish to practice medicine during the COVID-19 emergency response. Those permits will be valid from the Board’s approval of the application until the earlier of 90 days or until the governor lifts the statement of emergency and can be accessed at:
As of this writing, the requirements for these applicants and currently-licensed physicians and other Board-licensed providers providing telehealth services remain as set forth in the Georgia Rules & Regulations 360-3-.07:
- All treatment and/or consultations must be done by Georgia licensed practitioners.
- A history of the patient must be available to the Georgia licensed physician, PA or APRN (the “GA Provider”) who is providing the treatment and/or consultation.
- The GA Provider must either: a) have personally seen and examined the patient and provide ongoing or intermittent care by electronic or other means (e.g., primary physician of patient); or b) is providing medical care by electronic or other means at the request of the GA Provider who has personally seen or examined the patient (e.g., fellow GA Provider); or c) providing medical care at the request of a Public Health Nurse, Public School Nurse, DFCS, law enforcement or community medical health center, and the GA Provider is able to examine the patient using technology and peripherals equal or superior to an examination done personally by a provider within that provider’s standard of care; or d) is able to examine the patient using technology and peripherals that are equal or superior to an examination done personally by a provider within that provider’s standard of care.
- The GA Provider maintains patient records on the patient and must document: (a) the evaluation and treatment; (b) identity of the GA Providers providing services by electronic or other means; and (c) whether there is a referring practitioner (if so, a copy of the records must be sent to the referring practitioner).
- If a physician will delegate to an NP or PA the ability to provide telemedicine services, the physician must document to the board that the provision of telemedicine services is within his or her scope of practice and that the NP or PA has demonstrated competence in the provision of care by telemedicine.
- Must give patients who are receiving telemedicine services the name, credentials, and emergency contact information for the GA Provider and instructions on follow-up in the event of needed emergent care related to the treatment.
- The GA Provider must make diligent efforts to have the patient seen and examined in-person by a GA licensed physician, PA or NP at least annually.
Medical Board Requirements for Teleprescribing. On March 19, 2020, the Board issued Ga. R & Regs. §360-3-.08, allowing for electronic prescribing during the emergency. This modification allows DEA registered practitioners to issue prescriptions for controlled substances for patients for whom they have not conducted an in-person medical evaluation as long as:
- The prescription is issued for a legitimate medical purpose by a practitioner acting in the usual course of his/her professional practice.
- The telemedicine communication is conducted using an audio-visual, real team, two-way interactive communication system; and
- The practitioner is acting within federal and state law and otherwise following the telemedicine provisions outlined in Ga. R. & Regs. §360-3-.07.
This waiver does not address the 72-hour supply of non-controlled substances medication called for under Ga. R. & Regs. §360-3-.07. So we are waiting to see whether the Board intends to modify that rule as well.
In a press conference on March 23, 2020, Gov. Kemp gave an update on the status of COVID-19 in Georgia and issued an Executive Order expanding temporary licensing of certain medical professionals whose licenses lapsed or expired within the previous 5 years. The Order (which can be accessed here) is limited to licenses that have no history of administrative action adverse to the licensee. It also is limited to medical treatment of victims of the existing public health emergency, and is solely for the duration of the Public Health State of Emergency.
Georgia Composite Medical Board Updates Related to COVID-19
As of April 2, 2020, the GCMB had issued the following additional updates in response to the pandemic:
- The rule that states that supervision of physician assistants is allowed in situations where a need for medical care exists or at a relief site was extended from 48 hours to the length of the duration of the COVID-19 emergency.
- The emergency telemedicine rule was amended to allow for audio-only communication and suspend the requirement for physicians to provide documentation of a PA’s or nurse practitioner’s competence in telemedicine.
- CME requirements are reduced by 20 hours for the current licensure renewal cycle due to specialty conferences being canceled this year.
- The Board granted six-month extensions for perfusionists with temporary licenses who are unable to take the licensure exam due to COVID-19 and 90-day extensions for respiratory care professionals whose license will expire during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
As a result of the pandemic, as of April 9, 2020, the GCMB had added three emergency rules:
- Practice Through Electronic or Other Such Means During a State of Emergency
- Physician Assistants in Emergencies
- Requirements for Physicians
On May 7, 2020, the GCMB held its monthly meeting via teleconference due to the pandemic. As of that meeting, the Board had approved 693 emergency permits during the public health emergency and anticipated that it would see an influx of standard licensure applications once the emergency ends. The Board also received an update on the work of the Medical Association of Georgia’s Physician Resiliency Task Force, including a Physician Resilience in a Pandemic Fact Sheet.
The GCMB held its first meeting of 2021 virtually on January 7, and all meetings are to be held virtually through at least April 2021. According to the Board’s Executive Director LaSharn Hughes, the Governor’s Office approved the Board’s adoption of its rules regarding telemedicine, genetic counselors and the interstate medical licensure compact. Those rules will soon be posted by the Secretary of State’s Office. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation continues to review the process for conducting background checks on applicants for physician licenses. The Board unanimously approved updates to its Rules regarding Chaperones and Licensure Renewal Notices for final adoption. The rules were sent to the Governor’s Office for final approval.
Medical Board Extends Emergency Telemedicine Rule
On July 1, 2021, the GCMB, in response to Gov. Kemp’s Declaration of a State of Emergency for Continued COVID-19 Economic Recovery and corresponding Executive Order for Continued COVID-19 Economic Recovery Regulatory Suspensions, unanimously agreed to reissue Emergency Rule 360-3-0-.10-.08 regarding the Practice of Medicine Through Electronic or Other Such Means During a State of Emergency. This Emergency Rule, which provides important flexibilities for the provision of telehealth services and which previously expired at the end of the Public Health State of Emergency, will now remain in effect until the 90 days after the expiration of the State of Emergency for Continued COVID-19 Economic Recovery. The Board’s legal counsel explained the emergency practice permits previously issued by the Board could remain in effect and that the Board could continue to issue additional emergency practice permits under existing Rule 360-2-.13.
Federal Loosening of Telehealth Rules in Response to Coronavirus Pandemic
On March 17, 2020, the Trump administration announced that, due to the COVID-19 crisis, Medicare providers may now use telephone and video conference, including FaceTime and Skype, to see patients, without penalties. This relaxation of federal rules includes blanket HIPAA waivers, as well as Medicare reimbursement for such services. HHS’s OIG Policy Statement Regarding Physicians and Other Practitioners That Reduce or Waive Amounts Owed by Federal Health Care Program Beneficiaries for Telehealth Services During the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (“COVID-19”) Outbreak can be accessed at: and the government’s fact sheet is available at:
On March 18, 2020, the American Health Law Association’s In-House Counsel and Public Health System Affinity Group of the Hospitals and Health Systems Practice Groups published a Bulletin (excerpted below), summarizing federal and state government responses to the coronavirus pandemic, and how telehealth is being expanded to address the COVID-19 outbreak. The full AHLA Bulletin can be accessed here.
As the health care system braces for a surge of COVID-19 patients, state and federal governments are increasingly looking to telehealth for help. During the last few weeks, medical providers across the United States started, revamped, or expanded their virtual care capabilities. Public health experts, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, agree that a wider adoption of telecommunications in patient care will improve hospital capacity by preventing the additional spread of the virus. In the face of a global pandemic, federal legislators, state governors, and regulators around the country are acting in concert to leverage telehealth.
The policy changes include:
- Expansion of reimbursement for telehealth services, including federal waiver of existing Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) restrictions that will last for the duration of the national emergency;
- Greater cross-state licensure exemptions during the outbreak to allow health care providers to render services, including telehealth services, across state lines;
- Enforcement flexibility that will allow providers to offer free telehealth services through widely-available smart phone applications, like Skype and FaceTime; and
- Relaxation of certain limitations to online prescribing to drop initial in-person visit requirements under certain circumstances.
These policy changes reflect the recognition at national and local levels that telehealth will be critical in helping to limit further exposure and stop the spread of COVID-19 in health care settings. In addition, the significant opportunities arising for virtual care, which is at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus, may transform telehealth forever.
Federal Government Expands Medicare Coverage for Telehealth During Emergencies
Existing Medicare Fee-For-Service Reimbursement
The lack of Medicare reimbursement for telehealth is a key roadblock to wider adoption. For decades, Medicare reimbursement for telehealth services was limited to certain circumstances. A patient receiving telehealth services was required to be at an “eligible originating site,” meaning that the patient had to be located in a rural area and in a medical facility. Under these requirements, telehealth services are reimbursable by Medicare only when a beneficiary is at a qualifying “originating site,” meaning a health care facility or doctor’s office in a county located outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area or that is located in a rural Health Professional Shortage Area, and when provided via an “interactive telecommunications system.” See 42 CFR 410.78(a)(3), (a)(4), (b)(1), (b)(3), (b)(4).The patient’s home was not considered an eligible originating site. In other words, telehealth services provided to a patient located at home were not reimbursable by Medicare under this framework.
Medicare expanded reimbursement for telehealth services incrementally over the past few years. For example, it allowed reimbursement for: (1) brief, patient-initiated communications with a health care practitioner known as “Virtual Check-Ins” with existing patients, and (2) non-face-to-face, patient-initiated communications through an online patient portal, known as “E-Visits.” The most recent appropriations bill removed key restrictions imposed upon virtual care to address the COVID-19 national emergency.
Congressional Expansion of Telehealth to Curb Coronavirus
As part of the federal government’s initial response to the growing pandemic, the bipartisan Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2020 appropriated $500 million to telehealth reimbursement, opening the door for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to expand telehealth coverage. The new law amended Section 1135 of the Social Security Act by authorizing the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to issue waivers that remove traditional limitations for telehealth in an emergency area during an emergency period. Under the statute, the telehealth waiver authority was automatically triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.
CMS Guidance on “Blanket” Telehealth Waiver Under Section 1135
On March 16, 2020, CMS exercised its newly granted authority under Section 1135 of the Social Security Act (Section 1135 waiver) to expand telehealth services during the COVID-19 emergency. Clinicians can bill immediately for dates of service starting March 6, 2020. The Section 1135 waiver allows for the following:
- Patient’s Home or Another Facility Can Be an Originating Site. First, the “eligible originating site” requirement no longer needs to be satisfied, meaning that telehealth services may be provided to Medicare beneficiaries regardless of patient location—including at the patient’s home or a physician’s office, hospital, nursing home, or rural health clinic. Under the Section 1135 waiver, Medicare beneficiaries will be able to visit with their doctor from their home, without having to go to a health care facility, and can better avoid putting themselves and others at risk.
- Smart Phones. The Medicare program’s prohibition on telephones was removed for the duration of the outbreak. Current Medicare rules do not permit telephones to be used for telehealth services. Now, so long as the telephone has audio and video capabilities used for two-way, real-time interactive communication, it can be utilized during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Wide Range of Telehealth Services Available. Notably, the legislation applies to telehealth services during this period without regard to the treatment or diagnosis of the patient. Medicare beneficiaries may receive a range of telehealth services, including typical office visits for evaluation/management, mental health counseling, and preventive health screenings.
- New Patients Are Likely Permissible. On the issue of whether providers can be reimbursed for telehealth services provided to a new patient (i.e., through the Emergency Department), CMS is asking providers to ignore the statutory language that limits the waiver to current patients. The statutory language requires that there be a pre-existing relationship with the patient receiving telehealth services. CMS assures providers that it will not conduct audits to verify that such a prior relationship existed for claims submitted during this emergency period….
Other Telehealth Reimbursement
Many states continue to restrict Medicaid reimbursement to limited circumstances, but this may also change as telehealth becomes the most viable option for access to care. In efforts to combat the virus, state governors and public health leaders have announced expansions in Medicaid reimbursement in many states. For example, New York has expanded telehealth coverage and reimbursement for disabilities services under Medicaid. It is also important to remember that many state Medicaid managed care plans already authorize telehealth, and some states have already required parity in payment for telehealth. Irrespective of the availability of reimbursement, it is also worth noting that licensure, supervision, and professional judgement are still required, and professional standards of care have not changed.
Loosening of Jurisdictional & Other Licensing Restrictions
The rise of COVID-19 cases has left hospitals throughout the country short-staffed and hamstrung by state and federal rules that do not allow mid-level providers to practice at the top of their license. Hospitals have requested new flexibility so that they can free up system capacity without having to hire new staff or take doctors away from where they are needed most.
Recognizing that the virus does not discriminate by state line, both state and federal regulators are removing licensing barriers for health care providers to care for COVID-19 patients. HHS issued a separate 1135 waiver of the requirement that “physicians or other health care professionals hold licenses in the state in which they provide services if they have an equivalent license from another state.”
State leaders and medical boards are similarly beginning to loosen their restrictions regarding cross-state licensure. For example, New York is permitting unlicensed individuals, upon completion of training deemed adequate by New York’s Commissioner of Health, to collect throat or nasopharyngeal swab specimens from individuals suspected of being infected for purposes of testing. Certain state governors and medical boards are removing home state licensing restrictions altogether. In California, licensure requirements are waived for any out-of-state medical personnel that come to California to provide health care services in an effort to assist in preparation for, respond to, mitigate the effects of, and recover from COVID-19. These efforts are all aimed to increase staffing and the capacity to care for COVID-19 patients. (Note that while interstate coverage requirements of individual clinicians are being loosened, there has been no recognition of the complexity of entities – such as medical practices – performing services across state lines, and there has been no guidance to date or relaxation of requirements for a medical group or other professional entity to do business in another state.)
On April 9, 2020, CMS announced it will allow providers to practice across state lines and to the fullest extent of their licenses. Specifically, CMS temporarily suspended a number of rules so that hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities can boost their front-line medical staffs as they fight to save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, and announced new waivers that sharply expand the workforce flexibilities CMS announced on March 30. (See this fact sheet for more details on the waivers.) The new flexibilities will allow doctors to treat patients at rural hospitals via telehealth, even if they are out-of-state. Nurse practitioners also will be allowed to perform select medical exams for Medicare patients in skilled nursing facilities, even if they are not COVID-19 related. Occupational therapists who work for home health agencies will also be able to do initial assessments for homebound patients. And hospice nurses will no longer have to participate in hospice aide in-service activities.
Also on April 9, 2020, CMS announced as part of their Emergency Declaration Blanket Waivers for Health Care Providers, that physician supervision of nurse practitioners will be waived in certain locations for the duration of the federal state of emergency. The regulations for certification of certain healthcare entities (42 C.F.R. 491.8(b)(1)) provide that physician responsibilities at rural health clinics (“RHCs”) and federally qualified health centers (“FQHCs”) include “medical direction for the clinic’s or center’s health care activities and consultation for, and medical supervision of, the health care staff.” The relevant waiver modifies this requirement with respect to medical supervision of nurse practitioners, and only to the extent permitted by relevant state laws. The waivers are retroactive to March 1, 2020.
On April 8, 2020, HHS also authorized licensed pharmacists to order and administer COVID-19 tests, including serology tests authorized by the Food and Drug Administration. HHS said that pharmacists are “well-positioned” to help expand COVID-19 testing. “The vast majority of Americans live close to a retail or independent community-based pharmacy. That proximity reduces travel to testing locations, which is an important mitigation measure,” HHS noted. The agency also said pharmacists qualify as “covered persons” under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act and, absent willful misconduct, would have immunity from claims arising from the administration of COVID-19 tests. The Trump administration hopes these moves will free up additional provider capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On December 3, 2020, HHS announced that healthcare providers can provide telehealth services across state lines during the COVID-19 emergency, regardless of state and local prohibitions. The department’s “new policy overrides any state law that bans, or effectively bans, out-of-state healthcare professionals from delivering coronavirus-related medical countermeasures,” HHS reportedly said. “Many states have already authorized out-of-state healthcare personnel to deliver telehealth services to in-state patients, either generally or in the context of COVID-19; this action will ensure that COVID-19 Covered Countermeasures can be provided via telehealth across state lines.” This was yet another action taken by HHS to ease access and expand the range of services Medicare pays for when delivered by telehealth.
Enforcement Discretion to Encourage Telehealth
Given the importance of social distancing and other strategies recommended to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, federal enforcement agencies are giving providers more flexibility, including by allowing providers to offer telehealth services for free and/or making it easy-to-use.
- No Copay/Deductible/Coinsurance Payment for Medicare and Medicaid Beneficiaries. The HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG), the agency that spearheads enforcement of federal fraud and abuse laws, issued a Policy Statement explaining its position that providers may waive cost-sharing obligations (i.e., coinsurance and deductibles) for telehealth services during the emergency period. Routine reductions or waivers of costs by Medicare or Medicaid beneficiaries trigger the federal Anti-Kickback Statute and the Civil Monetary Penalties Law. In addition, CMS, in consultation with the OIG, issued a memo to Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs), advising that MAOs may expand telehealth programs and may also routinely waive cost-sharing payments.
- HIPAA Flexibility. HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced that it will not impose penalties for violations of certain Heath Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules, including the lack of a Business Associate Agreement between the provider and the technology vendor, effective on March 17, 2020. OCR confirmed that health care providers may serve patients in good faith through everyday communications technologies, such as FaceTime or Skype, during the COVID-19 nationwide public health emergency without fear of HIPAA enforcement. This flexibility does not apply to the use of public-facing technologies such as Facebook Live, Twitch, or similar video communication apps.
- Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Emergency Flexibility: No In-Person Visit for Prescriptions. Health care practitioners that are DEA-registered may issue prescriptions for controlled substances to patients with whom they have not conducted an in-person visit. The prescription must be for a legitimate medical purpose and the telemedicine communication must use live-video.
- Answering 20 Questions About COVID-19, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, March 18, 2020:;
- Medicare Telehealth Frequently Asked Questions, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, March 17, 2020:
- Medicare Telemedicine Health Care Provider Fact Sheet, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, March 17, 2020:
- COVID-19 Information Page, U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Diversion Control Unit:
- OIG Policy Statement Regarding Physicians and Other Practitioners That Reduce or Waive Amounts Owed by Federal Health Care Program Beneficiaries for Telehealth Services During the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak, March 17, 2020:
- Notification Of Enforcement Discretion For Telehealth Remote Communications During The COVID-19 Nationwide Public Health Emergency, U.S. Department Of Health & Human Services, March 17, 2020:
- Using Telehealth to Expand Access to Essential Health Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 10, 2020:
New Regulatory Waivers, Rule Changes & Executive Actions to Support U.S. Healthcare System During COVID-19 Pandemic
On March 17, 2020, CMS issued an FAQ on telehealth, which includes a list of HCPCS codes that are eligible for telehealth services under the emergency declaration and waivers. The FAQ makes clear that the waiver temporarily eliminates the requirement that the originating site must be at a physician’s office or other authorized facility and allows Medicare to pay for telehealth services when beneficiaries are in their homes or any care setting. Moreover, CMS makes clear that it will not enforce the typical “established relationship” requirement, and that the telehealth services subject to the temporary waiver are not limited to services related to patients with COVID-19.
On April 2, 2020, CMS released an informational bulletin identifying opportunities for using telehealth to increase rural and other access to Medicaid services and treatment for substance use disorders, including during the COVID-19 emergency. CMS’s Medicaid Telehealth and Substance Use Disorder Prevention Guidance can be viewed here. An American Hospital Association summary of CMS’s COVID-19 waivers can be accessed here. A summary of all of CMS’s COVID-19 Emergency Declaration Blanket Waivers for Health Care Providers is available here. CMS’s Flexibilities to Fight COVID-19 for Physicians and Other Clinicians can be viewed here. A Georgia Hospital Association document comparing telehealth guidance from the GCMB, Medicaid and Medicare, and summarizing guidance on patient and provider location requirements, who can practice telehealth, permitted technologies, prescribing and more, is here. And the AMA continues to update its Quick Guide to Telemedicine in Practice, a resource designed to help mobilize remote care with implementation tips, as well as a reference to CPT codes for reporting telemedicine and remote care services.
On April 15, 2020, it was reported that CMS “is exploring whether it could make emergency changes to telehealth regulations permanent once the coronavirus pandemic is over.” The article says, “Expanding telehealth is at the top of the list of changes the agency is eyeing, CMS Administrator Seema Verma said Wednesday in a call with reporters.” She “has long been trying to make it easier for doctors to practice telehealth, but has encountered wariness from doctors and patients over quality of care and competition. There are also concerns about fraudulent Medicare payments for the practice.” The main barrier, however, has been a lack of interest from Congress. But with patients getting used to the practice during the outbreak, it’s possible there will be greater interest from Congress. “We will be assessing this fully after we get past the pandemic,” Verma said.
On April 27, 2020, Governor Kemp issued an executive order in which he clarified that certain exceptions provided by the Georgia Department of Community Health (as stated in this previous executive order), including certificate of need and licensure waivers, will remain in effect for 90 days past the expiration of the public health state of emergency. HHS has also published a “COVID-19 Workforce Virtual Toolkit,” containing a set of resources and tools for decision-makers managing healthcare workforce challenges in response to the COVID-19 emergency. That toolkit includes information on license reciprocity for health professionals during a disaster or public health emergency. It also provides information for specific cadres of healthcare professionals’ scope of practice expansions during the COVID-19 response.
On April 30, 2020, CMS issued another round of regulatory waivers and rule changes to support healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Changes included increased access to telehealth for Medicare and Medicaid patients and expanding at-home and community-based testing to minimize COVID-19 transmission among Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. (See details of the new waivers and the interim final rule.)
Under the temporary waivers and rule changes, Medicare beneficiaries can be tested for COVID-19 without a physician’s order. Instead, Medicare will cover COVID-19 tests when ordered by any healthcare professional authorized to do so under state law.
CMS also is allowing pharmacists to perform certain COVID-19 tests if they are enrolled in Medicare as a laboratory. According to CMS, the changes will open the door for more “point-of-care” testing. Medicare and Medicaid also will cover antibody tests that are authorized by the Food and Drug Administration.
Beyond its efforts to expand testing, CMS is waiving limits on the types of practitioners who can provide telehealth services and is allowing hospitals to bill Medicare as the originating site for services furnished remotely by hospital-based practitioners to registered outpatients, including when the patient is at home. CMS will now also allow nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and physician assistants to provide home health services, as mandated by the CARES Act.
Many services for behavioral health and patient education may now be conducted by audio-only telephone between beneficiaries and clinicians, CMS said. The agency also is increasing payments for telephone visits from the current $14-$41 to $46-$110, in line with payments for similar office and outpatient visits. The payments are retroactive to March 1, 2020.
On January 20 and 21, 2021, President Joe Biden signed a series of executive orders to address the pandemic. Many of the executive actions were part of the Administration’s National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness. The 200-page plan, among other things, calls for a national vaccination effort; expanding testing, data, treatments, and the healthcare workforce; leveraging the Defense Production Act (“DPA”) to help ensure availability of critical supplies; and advancing equity across racial, ethnic, and rural/urban lines.
President Biden also issued a series of executive orders and other directives aimed at tackling the pandemic. In addition to mandating mask wearing on all federal lands and in all federal buildings, he also issued an executive order requiring masks to be worn on many airplanes, trains and certain other forms of public transportation. Other executive orders called for establishing a national pandemic testing board to oversee implementation of a unified approach to testing; requiring steps to boost clinical care capacity, provide assistance to long term care facilities, increase healthcare workforce capacity, and support access to COVID-19 therapies for those without coverage; and directing agencies to fill supply shortfalls using all available legal authorities, including the DPA.
President Biden issued another executive order for establishing a COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force, which will include the HHS Secretary, a chair designated by the Secretary, other federal agency heads, and up to 20 members from outside the federal government. The task force is charged with making specific recommendations “for mitigating the health inequities caused or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and for preventing such inequities in the future,” according to the order. In a January 20 executive order, Biden also created a White House COVID-19 Response Team, and formalized a new Coordinator of the COVID-19 Response position, reporting directly to the President. He also ordered that the U.S. rejoin the World Health Organization.
On January 22, 2021, Gov. Kemp issued an executive order allowing certified medical assistants (“CMAs”) and licensed practical nurses (“LPNs”) to administer vaccines without the requirement of direct on-site supervision of a physician, physician assistant, or advance practice registered nurse. The order also removes the requirement for a vaccine protocol agreement for LPNs to administer vaccines. This measure was requested by the Georgia Hospital Association to ensure facilities can maximize vaccine administration without the risk of creating additional staffing challenges for hospitals that may have used other clinical providers in vaccine clinics.
On January 27 and 28, 2021, the federal government announced it is amending rules under the PREP Act to broaden the list of people who can administer coronavirus vaccines. HHS said it will amend the rules to permit doctors and nurses who have recently retired or become inactive to administer COVID-19 vaccines. The announcement was presented by White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Jeff Zients at a briefing by the White House COVID-19 Response Team. Additionally, the amendment will allow anyone currently licensed to vaccinate in their state to administer shots across state lines. Under the amendment, all licensed and certified healthcare professionals are now authorized to prescribe, dispense and administer COVID-19 vaccines in any state or U.S. territory after completing the CDC’s COVID-19 vaccine training, regardless of where they are licensed or certified.
In September 2021, HHS Secretary Becerra further expanded a Declaration issued by the former Secretary under PREP Act. In 2020, under PREP Act authority, former HHS Secretary Azar had amended the Declaration to authorize pharmacists, pharmacy interns and pharmacy technicians to administer COVID-19 and other vaccines. The September 2021 amendment authorizes pharmacists to order COVID-19 therapeutics, including monoclonal antibodies, and authorizes pharmacists, pharmacy interns and pharmacy technicians to administer such therapies. To qualify, pharmacists, interns and technicians must complete a practical training program and comply with recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
It therefore appears that federal and state governments and enforcement agencies will continue to find ways to expand much needed access to care during (and hopefully after) the COVID-19 pandemic. Providers should continue to plan and implement their telehealth strategies for handling hospital surges and reducing physician office visits, and find alternatives to in-office care, such as remote visits. In the fight against the novel coronavirus, providers have more flexibilities and freedom on coverage, modality of technology used, and location of the patient. But rules and guidance from regulators continue to evolve as the situation develops. So providers should stay informed and monitor for updates.
Whether in person or via telehealth, healthcare providers in Georgia must navigate and comply with numerous laws, rules and regulations governing licensing, practice standards, controlled substances and reimbursement. But if they do so, patients, providers and payers can all benefit, with high-quality healthcare delivered in a more cost-effective manner.
Telehealth Groups Partner to Expand Access & Training for Virtual Care
On March 9, 2021, Healthcare IT News (K. Jercich) reported that the American Telemedicine Association (“ATA”) and the American Board of Telehealth (“ABT”) announced that they were “partnering to expand access to training and education for virtual care.” This “partnership comes on the heels of the ABT’s recently launched CORE Concepts in Telehealth Certificate, which consists of seven telemedicine-focused training models.” Under the “collaboration, members of the ATA will receive discounted access to the ABT’s certificate programs.”
The CORE Concepts in Telehealth Certificate consists of:
- Introduction to telehealth
- Telepresence skills
- Technology
- Legal, regulatory and quality
- Licensing, credentialing and privileging
- Reimbursement
- Ethical considerations
According to the announcement, ABT will also offer a behavioral telehealth certificate and a primary telehealth certificate. The courses may be used for Continuing Medical Education or Continuing Nursing Education credits.
Georgia Executive Orders, Policies & Rules
In July 2021, Gov. Kemp extended until Aug. 29, 2021, the State of Emergency for Continued COVID-19 Economic Recovery as well as the corresponding Executive Order for Continued Regulatory Suspensions, both of which were set to expire July 30. In addition to maintaining the previous state licensure and other regulatory flexibilities under the previous June 30 Executive Order for Continued Regulatory Suspensions, the new Executive Order for Continued Regulatory Suspensions also added one new waiver authorizing and directing DCH to implement the suspension of the certificate of need (“CON”) law, O.C.G.A. § 31-6-40 et seq., “where such suspension would permit capable facilities to expand capacity, offer services, or make expenditures necessary to assist with the needs of this State of Emergency.” DCH therefore updated its COVID-19 CON Suspension Form. Additionally, in response to the extended State of Emergency for Continued COVID-19 Economic Recovery as well as the corresponding Executive Order for Continued Regulatory Suspensions, which expired on Aug. 29, the GCMB issued an updated Emergency Rule 360-3-0.10-.08 – Practice Through Electronic or Other Such Means During a State of Emergency to clarify that this emergency rule will be in effect for the duration of the current State of Emergency.
In response to the extended State of Emergency for Continued COVID-19 Economic Recovery and the corresponding Executive Order for Continued Regulatory Suspensions, which expired on September 28, 2021, the GCMB issued two more emergency rules: (1) Emergency Rule 360-5-0.15-.10 “Emergencies,” which permits physician assistants to provide care at a scene where a need for medical care exists or at a relief site under the supervision that is available at the site in certain circumstances for the duration of the state of emergency; and (2) Emergency Rule 360-15-0.14-.01 “Requirements for Physicians,” which reduces the number of continuing education hours required for 2021 licensure renewals, subject to a few exceptions. On September 20, 2021 Gov. Kemp issued two more executive orders (Executive Order, Executive Order, extending the State of Emergency for Continued COVID-19 Economic Recovery and regulatory flexibilities until Oct. 28.
On Oct. 21, Nov. 19, and Dec. 17, 2021, Gov. Kemp signed three more executive orders renewing the State of Emergency for Continued COVID-19 Economic Recovery for an additional 30 days. On December 17, 2021, Gov. Kemp extended again the State of Emergency for Continued COVID-19 Economic Recovery, which was then scheduled to expire on Jan. 26, 2022. (The 2021 executive orders can be accessed here.)
On January 18, 2022, Gov. Kemp issued another executive order extending the State of Emergency for Continued COVID-19 Economic Recovery through Feb. 25, 2022. The State of Emergency was previously set to expire Jan. 26. On Feb. 18, Gov. Kemp renewed the State of Emergency for Continued COVID-19 Economic Recovery, first through at least March 27, and then through April 15, 2022. But the Georgia State of Emergency for Continued COVID-19 Economic Recovery expired on April 15, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. The expiration of the Georgia State of Emergency affects temporary permits issued to providers by state agencies and licensing boards and Certificate of Need and facility licensure waivers promulgated by the Georgia Department of Community Health.
On April 16, 2022, the GCMB clarified that, although the Board’s Emergency Rule 360-3-0.10-.08 governing certain telemedicine flexibilities expired upon expiration of the Georgia COVID-19 State of Emergency for Continued COVID-19 Recovery, the Board will continue to recognize the federal authorization for teleprescribing of controlled substances without an in-person exam as long as: (1) it is allowed by the DEA pursuant to the federal Public Health Emergency, which is still in effect; and (2) practitioners comply with the applicable DEA Policy.
On May 26, 2022, emergency temporary permits issued by the Georgia Board of Nursing to certain graduates of Board-approved nursing programs and to inactive or retired nurses for administering the COVID-19 vaccine expired. These emergency temporary permits were issued in response to the now expired Georgia COVID-19 State of Emergency for Continued COVID-19 Recovery (“SOE”). Emergency temporary permits that the Board issued to certain licensed out-of-state nurses during the SOE do not expire until July 14. On May 27, the Georgia Department of Public Health (“DPH”) Emergency Medical Services (“EMS”) Emergency Rule issued in response to the SOE expired. This Rule permitted DPH to: (1) reinstate an individual’s non-renewed license if that individual was previously licensed by DPH as a medic between March 31, 2019 – March 31, 2021; and (2) issue a temporary compact license to individuals licensed by a member state of the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice. Temporary compact licenses are valid for 120 days after issuance.
The 2022 executive orders can be accessed here. And a summary of the Georgia executive orders, policies and rules that were issued in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and affected healthcare providers’ licenses, permits or scopes of practice appears here. However, please stay tuned for updates, as changes in governing laws, rules and regulations continue to occur.
Changes in 2023 & 2024
As the PHE continued to be renewed between 2020 and 2023, many of the waivers and flexibilities implemented to address the pandemic remained in place. But on January 23, 2023, the Administration announced its intention to end the COVID-19 PHE on May 11, 2023. Between January 23 and May 11 of 2023, HHS and CMS released fact sheets, frequently asked questions, memos, and other guidance that helped patients and providers understand which COVID-19 PHE policies would end, which would be extended temporarily, and which were made permanent. One of the key areas most impacted was telehealth flexibilities.
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES”) Act expanded the telehealth waiver authority and authorized the following waivers:
- Allowed Federally Qualified Health Centers (“FQHCs”) and rural health clinics (RHCs) to provide telehealth services to Medicare beneficiaries;
- Eliminated the requirement that Medicare beneficiaries with end-stage renal disease receiving home dialysis have a face-to-face clinical assessment at least once every three months;
- Allowed Medicare beneficiaries receiving hospice care to have a face-to-face encounter via telehealth with a hospice physician or nurse practitioner to recertify continued eligibility for hospice care;
- Required the Secretary of HHS to issue clarifying guidance regarding the use of telecommunications systems for home health services, including remote patient monitoring;
- Increased reimbursement to hospitals by providing a 20% add-on payment for inpatient hospital discharges related to COVID-19;
- Waived the requirement that patients of an Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility receive at least 15 hours of therapy a week (three hours of therapy per day, five days per week);
- Adjusted transition rules for payment reductions for durable medical equipment;
- Required Medicare prescription drug plans and Medicare Advantage drug plans to permit Part D plan enrollees to obtain a 90-day supply of a covered Part D drug (even if the drug is subject to cost and utilization management, medication therapy management, or other such programs); and
- Expanded the type of hospitals eligible for the Medicare hospital accelerated payment program.
Under CARES Act provisions, CMS took significant action to increase the access to and the use of telehealth services and provided flexibilities for providers to complete certain administrative requirements virtually. Greater reliance on virtual care was intended to limit patient travel and exposure to COVID and reduce the spread of the virus, in accordance with other federal guidelines. Telehealth also gave providers an opportunity to provide some health care services to their patients without a face-to-face encounter, preserving revenue during the crisis.
The two stimulus laws specified that these authorities and waivers were permitted for the duration of the PHE, which meant that the telehealth waivers, along with the CARES Act policies noted above, were supposed to end when the PHE expired.
However, on March 15, 2022, the President signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022, (“CAA 2022”), which included extensions of certain telehealth flexibilities related to the PHE for 151 days (approximately five months) after the PHE ends. This included:
- Expanding the list of Medicare qualifying telehealth providers;
- Waiving the originating site and geographic location restrictions;
- Waiving the in-person requirement for mental telehealth services;
- Continuing coverage of audio-only telehealth services;
- Allowing FQHCs and RHCs to be reimbursed for telehealth services; and
- Reinstating the safe harbor for health savings account (HSA)-eligible High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPS) enrollees for telehealth benefits.
Given the uncertainty surrounding the PHE’s expiration, Congress basically gave providers, patients, and other stakeholders some breathing room to adjust to the new circumstances. It also gave Congress a needed opportunity to further extend or preserve the temporary telehealth policies.
Subsequently, with increased likelihood that the PHE would end, the Consolidation Appropriations Act of 2023 (“CAA 2023”) further extended the flexibilities through December 31, 2024. The President signed the CAA 2023 into law on December 29, 2022. This action effectively decoupled the flexibilities from the continued existence of the PHE. However, while the CAA 2023 untied the extension of many telehealth flexibilities from the PHE and provided extended coverage through December 31, 2024, other telehealth policies remained tied to the PHE and will expire if additional legislative or regulatory action is not taken.
DEA Temporarily Extends Doctors’ Ability to Prescribe Certain Controlled Substances by Telehealth
In a May 2023 statement, the DEA said it would continue to allow doctors to prescribe certain controlled substances via telehealth while the agency finalizes rules on prescribing. The DEA said then that it was working to allow necessary access with appropriate safeguards. Specifically, the DEA allowed doctors to keep using telemedicine to prescribe certain medications for anxiety, pain and opioid addiction, extending for six months emergency flexibilities established during the coronavirus pandemic. And the ability to prescribe such controlled medications was extended through November 11, 2023, with the understanding that the deadline will be even longer if doctors already have established telemedicine relationships with patients. In such cases, physicians could keep prescribing the medications virtually through Nov. 11, 2024.
In July 2023, the Georgia Medical Board published a summer newsletter, which has information about the Board’s proposed updates to its respiratory care professionals rule that will eliminate temporary permits for RCPs and update requirements for Board certification, among other things. The newsletter also summarizes the new one-time 8-hour training requirement from the Drug Enforcement Administration for all DEA-registered practitioners on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders. As of June 27, practitioners are required to check a box on their online DEA registration form – whether an initial or renewal application – affirming that they have completed the new training requirement.
On August 7, 2023, the DEA announced it would host public listening sessions to receive additional input on whether to permit telemedicine prescribing for certain controlled substances without any in-person medical evaluation. The sessions were scheduled to be held September 12 and 13, 2023.
In October 2023, the DEA and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (“SAMHSA”) extended telehealth prescribing flexibilities for buprenorphine and other controlled substances for new practitioner-patient relationships through December 31, 2024. These flexibilities had previously been extended through November 11, 2024. The DEA and SAMHSA extended the flexibilities as they considered a proposal to limit telehealth prescriptions for buprenorphine and other controlled substances to a 30-day supply unless the patient has been evaluated in person by the prescriber or referring clinician. The Georgia Composite Medical Board had previously indicated that it planned to continue recognizing the federal authorization for the teleprescribing of controlled substances without an in-person exam as long as it is allowed by the federal government and practitioners meet any applicable criteria.
On October 6, 2023, the DEA and HHS announced they would further extend the COVID-19 flexibilities allowing for telemedicine prescription of controlled medications without a prior in-person evaluation through December 31, 2024. The Second Temporary Rule goes into effect on November 11, 2023, and ensures that flexibilities remain in place through the end of 2024 while proposals for permanent policies related to prescribing controlled medications via telemedicine remain under consideration.
The Second Temporary Rule authorizes DEA-registered practitioners to prescribe schedule II-V controlled medications via telemedicine through the end of 2024, regardless of whether the patient and practitioner established a telemedicine relationship on or before November 11, 2023. In lieu of the grace period provided in the First Temporary Rule, the Second Temporary Rule continues the extension of the current flexibilities for all practitioner-patient relationships – including new practitioner-patient relationships established through telemedicine after November 11, 2023 – until the end of 2024.
The Second Temporary Rule provided the DEA and HHS additional time to consider input collected through the September 2023 listening sessions, while also allowing practitioners and patients to transition to the new standards or safeguards after nearly four years of working with the COVID-19 flexibilities regarding controlled medication prescriptions.
In announcing a further extension of the telehealth flexibilities, DEA indicated it was continuing to review the more than 38,000 comments on the proposed rules and considering revisions in light of the two listening sessions it held in September. DEA also indicated it is striving to promulgate a final set of telemedicine regulations by fall 2024.
In light of the federal government’s decision to extend telehealth prescribing flexibilities for certain controlled substances for new practitioner-patient relationships through December 31, 2024, the Georgia Composite Medical Board indicated in its November 2023 meeting that it will continue to recognize these flexibilities for the time being. However, because of concerns expressed about extending these flexibilities, the Board indicated it may review this again at a future meeting.
Then, during its December 7, 2023 meeting, the GCMB indicated that on January 1, 2024, it plans to rescind its position on continuing to recognize the federal authorization for the teleprescribing of controlled substances without an in-person exam as long as it is allowed by the federal government. As noted above, earlier in 2023, the DEA and SAMHSA extended telehealth prescribing flexibilities for certain controlled substances for new practitioner-patient relationships through Dec. 31, 2024. But the GCMB may no longer take the same position.
Physician and hospital representatives continued to work with the Board and other policymakers to ensure Georgia patients and providers have the flexibility they need to access medically necessary prescription medications. On December 20, 2023, the Georgia Hospital Association (“GHA”) submitted a letter to the GCMB, expressing concern regarding the GCMB’s recent decision to rescind its telehealth prescribing flexibilities. In the letter, the GHA requested that the Medical Board reconsider this action, further examine the use of telehealth in the state, and engage with physicians and patients who are currently using teleprescribing to safely and effectively increase access to medically necessary care.
But as of January 1, 2024, the GCMB reinstated pre-pandemic restrictions on physicians who prescribe controlled substances without an in-person visit. Consequently, all licensees in Georgia were (at least briefly) again required to adhere strictly to the Medical Practice Act and Board Rules for proper prescribing practices. And under Chapter 360-3 of the Rules of Georgia Composite Medical Board, when initially prescribing a controlled substance for the treatment of pain or chronic pain, a physician had to have a medical history of the patient, conduct a physical examination, and obtain informed consent. In emergencies, a physician could only prescribe an amount of medication to cover a period of not more than 72 hours without a physical examination.
However, in another reversal, on January 4, 2024, after hearing concerns from GHA and other provider and patient representatives, the GCMB indicated that, through May 1, 2024, it will continue to recognize the federal authorization for the teleprescribing of controlled substances without an in-person exam. As noted above, the Board had previously voted to rescind its position statement to recognize the federal authorization effective Jan. 1, 2024. However, in light of feedback it received from GHA and other stakeholders, the Board said on January 4 that it will continue to temporarily recognize this flexibility. Healthcare provider and patient representatives plan to continue to work with the Medical Board to clarify for providers when controlled substances may be prescribed via telehealth after May 1, 2024.
During its March 7, 2024 meeting, the GCMB and GHA discussed what will happen once the Board no longer recognizes the federal authorization for teleprescribing of controlled substances without an in-person exam after May 1, 2024. GHA reiterated its request that the Board reconsider its action to rescind its teleprescribing flexibilities and allow Georgia patients continued access to medically necessary medications via telehealth in accordance with federal policy. The Board did not say whether it will reconsider its decision; however, the Board indicated it would like to work with GHA, hospital in-house counsel and other stakeholders to develop FAQs about teleprescribing in Georgia.
The Board also discussed proposed rule updates to expedite its application and renewal process. Specifically, the Board proposed to update its licensure rule to require applicants to complete a fingerprint background check and eliminate a reference form. The Board also plans to propose updates to its renewal applications rule to require all renewals be completed electronically and clarify that a license not renewed in the renewal period will be considered lapsed. These proposed updates have gone to the Attorney General’s office for review and, if approved by the AG, will be posted for public comment.
After hearing concerns from GHA, physicians and others, the GCMB voted during its April 4, 2024 meeting to continue to recognize the federal authorization for the teleprescribing of certain controlled substances without an in-person exam for at least as long as it is recognized by the federal government. As of this writing, that federal authorization is set to expire on Dec. 31, 2024. The Board had previously voted to rescind its position statement to recognize the federal authorization effective May 1, 2024; however, in light of feedback it received from GHA and other stakeholders, the Board will continue to recognize this flexibility while it awaits a final rule from the federal government, which is anticipated to be published later this year.
The Board’s Rules Committee will also work on revising its regulations to clarify when physicians are authorized to treat patients via telehealth without a previous in-person visit. This is an important access-to-care issue, and stakeholders are continuing to work with the Board to clarify for healthcare providers when medications may be prescribed via telehealth after the federal authorization expires.
In the meantime, mHealth Intelligence (A. Vaidya) reported on April 4, 2024 that “More than 200 virtual care stakeholders, including trade associations, health care providers, and telehealth companies, have signed a letter urging” the DEA “to release a revised proposed rule allowing virtual prescribing of controlled substances soon.” The “letter states that a revised rule permanently allowing controlled substances to be prescribed via telehealth without a prior in-person examination ‘is crucial for access to mental health, substance use disorder, and other telehealth care.’”
On October 15, 2024, Fierce Healthcare (Beavins) reported, “The Drug Enforcement Administration is poised to extend pandemic-era telehealth prescribing rules for a third time.” The DEA “sent a rule titled third temporary extension of pandemic-era telehealth prescribing rules to the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) last Thursday.” Rules need to “clear OMB review before being published in the Federal Register.” According to Fierce Healthcare, “it remains to be seen if the rule will clear OMB given the infighting sources say has been occurring between DEA and” HHS “over the guardrails for telehealth prescribing of controlled substances.”
On November 1, 2024, CMS announced that certain telehealth flexibilities that were issued during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency will either: (1) expire on December 31, 2024, (2) be extended through December 31, 2025, or (3) be made permanent.
Expiring – In the recently published 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule update, CMS indicated that many PHE-era telehealth coverage flexibilities will expire on December 31, 2024. Most notably, CMS will reinstate the requirement that a beneficiary be located in a qualifying “originating site” (i.e., certain rural, non-urban geographies, and in a clinic or other approved healthcare facility) in order for Medicare to cover the telehealth service. Additionally, effective January 1, 2025, only certain categories of practitioners can provide Medicare-covered telehealth. The PHE-era flexibility that allowed any category of Medicare-enrolled practitioner to furnish telehealth services will expire at the end of 2024.
Extended – Telehealth flexibilities extended through December 31, 2025 include:
- Removing frequency limitations on certain inpatient visits, skilled nursing facility visits and critical care consults furnished via telehealth
- The use of live video to meet certain Medicare “direct supervision” requirements
- Allowing Medicare coverage of any type of telehealth (not just behavioral health) furnished by FQHCs and RHCs
Permanent – The telehealth flexibilities made permanent by CMS are:
- Permitting audio-only telehealth for any Medicare-covered telehealth service
- Allowing Opioid Treatment Programs to furnish assessments via audio-only (if video is unavailable)
- Coverage of new codes for interprofessional consults by behavioral health providers
Then, in a final rule published in the November 19, 2024 Federal Register (89 Fed. Reg. 91253), the DEA and HHS issued another temporary extension of certain telemedicine prescribing flexibilities for an additional year. The agencies will waive the in-person visit requirement prior to the prescribing of controlled substances virtually, and temporarily extend providers’ ability to remotely prescribe Schedule II-V controlled medications via telemedicine to new and existing patients, through December 31, 2025.
Given the DEA’s decision to extend its teleprescribing flexibilities through Dec. 31, 2025, on Nov. 26, 2024, the Georgia Hospital Association asked the Georgia Medical Board to also extend these same flexibilities. The Medical Board discussed this issue at its Dec. 2, 2024 meeting. And on Dec. 5, 2024, the Board voted to extend its teleprescribing flexibilities through Dec. 31, 2025, in response to the DEA’s decision to also extend these flexibilities through 2025.
In mid-January 2025, HHS and the DEA published a series of rules related to telemedicine prescribing of controlled substances, including a special registration proposed rule and a final rule on telemedicine prescribing of buprenorphine (a medication used to treat opioid use disorder). The proposed rule for special registration outlines three types of registration to waive in-person visit requirements prior to virtual prescribing of controlled substances and a state registration for every state in which a patient is treated by the special registrant. The DEA’s final rule for the telemedicine prescribing of buprenorphine will enable practitioners to prescribe a six-month initial supply of Schedule III-V medications to treat opioid use disorder via audio-only telemedicine interaction without a prior in-person evaluation.
Because the teleprescribing rules continue to evolve, it is essential that providers stay tuned and check other more frequently updated resources for the latest developments.
Telehealth Across State Lines – Additional Risks, Concerns & Barriers
The pandemic directly caused an increased use and acceptance of telehealth to address the needs and challenges of delivering necessary healthcare to patients who otherwise could or would not get it. But while technological advances enabled telehealth providers to practice medicine virtually over state lines, constantly changing federal and state licensing laws remain a significant barrier. Telehealth providers must therefore continue to monitor developments in federal and state laws, rules and regulations, and ensure compliance to avoid disciplinary actions, sanctions, and even prosecution for the unlicensed practice of medicine or other potential violations.
Because of the pandemic (which, at times, included quarantine requirements) and continued advancement of telehealth technology, healthcare practitioners increasingly were given opportunities to practice across state borders, even though the patients were in different states than the providers were. In many instances, licensing laws were relaxed by both the federal government and practically every state to allow the interstate delivery of telemedicine during the pandemic. However, when Public Health Emergency ended on May 11, 2023, many of the waivers and loosening of various legal and regulatory requirements also expired (or they were scheduled to expire, unless and until they were separately extended).
Each state has the power to govern and control medical licensure within its borders. And each state regulates the practice of medicine within its borders and has various licensing requirements and rules governing physicians and other healthcare providers. Consequently, when a healthcare practitioner provides medical advice online via a telemedicine platform or electronic device to a patient residing in another state, the laws of the remote state govern. Unfortunately, because the laws, rules and regulations of the states vary, there is no uniform approach to licensing or complete consistency among the states. Consequently, a healthcare practitioner treating a patient in a remote state is subject to the laws of that remote state and must have a license to practice in that state or some other legal right or waiver to do so.
Each state’s Medical Board has the responsibility and obligation to protect the public by maintaining the highest levels of quality care. This begins by ensuring that licensure applicants have the necessary education and training prior to practicing medicine within the state, continues with monitoring and evaluating whether conduct warrants modification or suspension, and can end with license revocation. To the extent a healthcare practitioner treats a patient in a remote state where the healthcare practitioner is not licensed, at a minimum, the healthcare practitioner could potentially become the subject of a disciplinary action within the remote state, or even be prosecuted for the unauthorized practice of medicine.
To prevent licensure from being a more significant barrier to telemedicine, the Federation of State Medical Boards developed the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact (“IMLC”) to qualify healthcare practitioners to practice medicine across state lines as long as they meet certain eligibility requirements. The IMLC streamlined the process to make it easier for healthcare practitioners to treat patients in at least some remote states. As of this writing, 32 states (including Georgia, as is discussed above), the District of Columbia, and Guam have joined the IMLC.
By creating a simpler, one-application option, healthcare practitioners can receive licenses from multiple states included in the IMLC and be able to practice medicine in whichever remote state they obtain a medical license from. Nevertheless, because the IMLC does not supersede any state’s laws, rules or regulations, healthcare practitioners remain subject to each remote state’s medical licensing laws in which they practice. And many states still have not joined IMLC.
On November 14, 2023, the IMLC voted to approve the following proposals to:
- Update the rule regarding the state of principal license to exclude from the definition of “employer”:
- Organizations that are just registered with a member state’s Secretary of State,
- Organizations that only have a registered agent in a member state.
- Facilitate information sharing when member states are conducting joint investigations of a licensee.
- Delete the IMLC emergency rule on the COVID-19 public health emergency.
While sanctions, modification, suspension and revocation of a medical professional’s license might seem like unduly harsh and overly drastic responses to telehealth practicing in remote states, physicians and other providers must be extremely careful to ensure they do not run afoul of any jurisdiction’s laws, rules or regulations that might govern their conduct or practice anywhere. And, when in doubt, providers should seek appropriate legal counsel in advance of any such practice or conduct.
Licensing Boards Regulating Other Georgia Health Professionals
Licensing boards regulating other healthcare professionals in Georgia operate in a manner similar to the Georgia Medical Board. For example, the Georgia State Board of Examiners of Psychologists processes licensure applications and receives, investigates and adjudicates complaints issued against licensed psychologists. It is a six-member board consisting of five psychologists and one consumer member. Board members are appointed by the Governor to provide consumer protection and public health and welfare through the regulation of the profession. The Board meets monthly at the Secretary of State Professional Licensing Boards Division in Macon, Georgia.
The Georgia Composite Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage and Family Therapists is charged by law with regulating the practice of professional counseling, social work, and marriage and family therapy in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the people of Georgia. It does so by enforcing the education and training requirements established by law for licensure in each profession, by adopting and enforcing a code of ethics governing licensees, by establishing and enforcing continuing education requirements, and by addressing unlicensed practice in these professions. The Board consists of ten members appointed by the Governor: three professional counselors, three social workers, three marriage and family therapists, and one consumer member. The Board meets monthly at the Secretary of State Professional Licensing Boards Division in Macon.
The Georgia Board of Dentistry is responsible for protecting the public health in the practice of dentistry by regulating and enforcing the standards of dental practice. Through the Dental Board’s licensure process, the Board ensures that those applying for licensure in this state as a dentist or dental hygienist have acceptable education, training, and personal character to safely practice in Georgia. In carrying out its regulatory functions, the Board sets and defines standards to draw the line between safe and dangerous dental practices.
The Dental Board fulfills its enforcement responsibilities by identifying and sanctioning those who practice below the accepted standards of the profession, or without the necessary qualifications. The Board has eleven members who are appointed by the Governor, and is comprised of nine dentists, one dental hygienist, and one consumer member. It generally meets once each month in Atlanta.
The Georgia State Board of Pharmacy is responsible for the regulation of pharmacists and pharmacies in Georgia. The practice of pharmacy consists of the art and science that deals with the nature, preparation, administration, dispense and effects of drugs and medications. Pharmacists may dispense drugs or devices as authorized by a written prescription of a physician or authorized practitioner of the healing arts. As a learned science, pharmacist licensure is considered after meeting specific pharmaceutical educational, internship/externship requirements and examination. All pharmacies are inspected prior to licensure and as needed, and must meet specific standards for operation.
The Pharmacy Board is an eight-member board appointed by the Governor to protect, promote and preserve the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Georgia. The Board is composed of seven licensed practicing pharmacists and one consumer member. The Board reviews applications, administers examinations, licenses qualified applicants and regulates the practice of licensees throughout the state. Complaints are investigated and, if warranted, disciplinary action may be taken by the Board. Board meetings are held approximately twelve times each year at the Department of Community Health in Atlanta and are open to the public. The Pharmacy Board encourages individuals to read its quarterly newsletter, which contains legal and regulatory updates, among other things.
The Georgia Board of Nursing is responsible for the regulation of registered and licensed practical nurses. The Nursing Board is also responsible for the regulation of advanced practice registered nurses (“APRN”s). Before an individual can practice as a certified nurse practitioner, certified registered nurse anesthetist, certified nurse-midwife, clinical nurse specialist or clinical nurse specialist – psychiatric/mental health, they must possess an APRN authorization from the State of Georgia. Applicants applying for authorization as an APRN must hold an active Georgia registered nursing license.
The “scope of practice” for regulated professions like nursing refers to the confines of their state boards’ lists or descriptions of permitted activities and procedures. Because the scope of practice for advanced practice nurses such as nurse practitioners (“NPs”) and certified registered nurse anesthetists (“CRNAs”) vary by state, these healthcare providers are expected to know what activities and procedures they are and are not authorized to perform, and confine them to their scope. If an APRN exceeds his/her authorized scope of practice, he/she could be liable for malpractice or practicing medicine without or beyond the scope of a (or his/her) license.
APRNs are master’s prepared registered nurses who are licensed to perform at a higher level than a bedside registered nurse, but not at the level of a physician. NPs can become certified in a variety of specialties, whereas CRNAs are confined to anesthesia delivery.
As part of their responsibilities, Georgia Nursing Board members develop rules and regulations that set the standards for nursing practice and education, provide the minimum qualifications for licensure, and ensure that disciplinary process is implemented in a fashion that guarantees due process and public protection. Complaints are investigated and, if warranted, disciplinary action may be taken by the Board. The Georgia Board of Nursing consists of eight members (seven registered professional nurses and one consumer member who is not a registered professional nurse) appointed by the Governor. The Nursing Board Office is now located in Macon. (For an article discussing the license verification process that nurses use when they move and seek a license in another state, and Nursing Board changes, click here.)
The Georgia State Board of Physical Therapy supervises and regulates the 7500+ licensed physical therapists and 2500+ licensed physical therapist assistants practicing in Georgia. The Physical Therapy Board is an eight-member board appointed by the Governor to safeguard the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Georgia. Complaints are investigated and, if warranted, disciplinary action may be taken by the Board. The Board meets approximately six times each year to review correspondence, applications for licensure, and complaints. Board meetings are open to the public and are generally held at the Secretary of State’s office in Macon.
As a result of several state licensing boards transitioning to the Georgia Online Application Licensing System (“GOALS”) in 2023 and in 2024, the Georgia State Board of Physical Therapy and the Georgia State Board of Long-Term Care Facility Administrators extended their license renewal period to January 31, 2024 and the late renewal period to February 28, 2024. GOALS is an electronic platform intended to streamline the issuance of professional licenses. You can learn more about GOALS and its rollout schedule by clicking here.
The Georgia State Board of Occupational Therapy supervises and regulates licensed occupational therapists practicing in Georgia. The Occupational Therapy Board is a six-member board appointed by the Governor composed of five licensed practicing occupational therapists and one consumer member. Complaints are investigated and, if warranted, disciplinary action may be taken by the Board. The Board generally meets at the Secretary of State’s office in Macon to review correspondence, applications for licensure, and complaints.
The Georgia State Board of Podiatry Examiners supervises and regulates licensed podiatrists practicing in Georgia. The Podiatry Board is composed of three licensed, practicing podiatrists and one consumer member. Complaints are investigated and, if warranted, disciplinary action may be taken by the Board. The Board generally meets at the Secretary of State’s office in Macon to review correspondence, applications for licensure, and complaints.
The Georgia Board of Chiropractic Examiners reviews applications, licenses qualified applicants and regulates the practice of chiropractic licensees throughout the state. It is a six-member board appointed by the Governor to protect, promote and preserve the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Georgia. The Board is composed of five licensed, practicing chiropractors and one consumer member. Complaints are investigated and, if warranted, disciplinary action may be taken by the Board. Board meetings are held approximately six times each year at the Secretary of State’s office in Macon and are open to the public.
The Georgia Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology is an eight-member board consisting of one physician, three audiologists, three speech-language pathologists, and a consumer member. The members are appointed by the Governor to “protect the public health, safety, and welfare and to protect the public from being misled by incompetent, unscrupulous, and unauthorized persons” (O.C.G.A. §43-44-2). The Board meets quarterly to review applications for licensure and receive, investigate, and adjudicate complaints against licensed speech-language pathologists and audiologists.
How We Can Help
We are a healthcare and business law firm focused on representing physicians and other healthcare professionals in the Atlanta metro area and across Georgia. If you have a licensing or telehealth issue, are under investigation, or have a board complaint filed against you, please feel free to call or email us to discuss your situation. While we cannot guarantee a particular outcome, we have a proven track record of successful results and will do our best to help.